Experience counts when addressing the comprehensive needs of original equipment manufacturers.

Over 80% of our products are purchased by original equipment manufacturers for resale with their equipment.

Impact Cases has the product selection, design and manufacturing expertise to offer you the most comprehensive packaging solutions tailored specifically to protect and promote your valuable commodity.

Impact's OEM Program offers manufacturers the following benefits:

Application & Design Consultation
Let us make your job easier. Impact design professionals work closely with your marketing and engineering departments to determine your marketing objectives and develop a comprehensive packaging strategy.
Professional Design and Prototyping

We take on the task of developing your custom case solution. Using state-of-the-art Parasolid modeling software. We can submit a 3D "virtual prototype" of your proposed design for review and input before a hard prototype is made.

Promotion Oriented Packaging - Value Added Options

Have your company logo prominently displayed with a custom logo plate or, we’ll screen print it directly onto the case. If your case is to be shipped in a cardboard box, why not have your brand printed on the box for prominent display?

Just-In-Time Delivery

As a manufacturer, we understand that your products don't just appear overnight. So, why should you bring in all your packaging up front? With only a monthly release commitment of 10 cases*, Impact Cases will manufacture and ship to you the products you need, when you need them - and not before.

Have questions or require assistance in choosing the right case for your application?

Contact Us